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Here we hope bring all the answers to your possible needs during your physical therapy experience and beyond. You will be able to find the forms you may need if you had a WCB or motor vehicle injury. Further we are bringing you the video links to all major exercises you may use during your rehab or for health enhancement.

Please ensure that you consult your therapist to ensure the exercise is appropriate for you if you experience any pain or discomfort. You also will be able to download handouts for various issues and learn about our billing process. We are always open to your suggestions if you are looking for more details here. Please let us know and we will try making it happen!

Direct Billing

We take care of the Paperwork so you don’t have to: Revive health services are covered by most health care plans; most pay 80-100% of the fees. If you have a dental plan, chances are you also have coverage for most of the services and products we offer at Revive. Read more...


WCB- Notice of Injury

AB-1: Notice of Loss and Proof of Claim Form

AB-2: Treatment Plan Form

Exercise Videos

A collection of videos of commonly prescribed exercises. Our objective is to bring to you these exercises to help with education, injury recovery and health enhancement. Please ensure that you ask your physiotherapist if this would be right for you. Read more...

What is Physiotec?

Physiotec is one of the most popular software that physiotherpists use on a daily basis in practice. Patients may view online videos of each exercise of their home exercise program. Get on board on the proposed treatment and see benefits. Access to their HEP on Smart Phones and computers of all kinds. Better execute specific movements the first time by watching videos which lowers the risk of injuring themselves.The program has clear hand-pouts with professional studio pictures and clear instructions.

Revive Blog

Post Concussion Syndrome

Post Concussion Syndrome
Post Concussion Syndrome . Post Concussion Syndrome (PCS) is a complex condition that affects individuals who have experienced a concussion or head injury. It is a form of brain injury that is characterized by a range of physical, cognitive, emotional, and sensory symptoms that can persist for weeks, months, or even years after the initial injury. Post concussion syndrome is a complex condition that requires specific and thorough assessment, diagnosis, and treatment.  At Revive Spi...
Posted on 2023-05-31

Concussion Symptoms

Concussion Symptoms
Concussion Symptoms. A concussion is a type of traumatic brain injury that can occur as a result of a blow to the head, face, neck, or even body. Concussions can range from mild to severe, and may cause a variety of symptoms that can last for days, weeks, or even months. Recognising the signs and symptoms of a concussion is crucial for proper diagnosis and treatment. Physiotherapists play an important role in helping patients recover after a concussion as concussions can have a long-lasting ...
Posted on 2023-04-06

What Does Massage Therapy Do?

What Does Massage Therapy Do?
What Does Massage Therapy Do?. Massage therapy is a hands-on treatment technique used to holistically manage a wide variety of different conditions. Trained health practitioners, such as physiotherapists, use various massage techniques on the muscles and soft tissues of the body to alleviate muscle tension and joint pain, and to promote relaxation. From a sore back to patellofemoral knee pain, massage therapy can make positive physiological changes in the soft tissue. Massage therapy is comm...
Posted on 2022-12-25

What is BPPV, what can a Physiotherapist do for me?

What is BPPV, what can a Physiotherapist do for me?
. What is BPPV, What Can a Physiotherapist do for me?. BPPV or Benign Paroxysmal positional vertigo is the common cause of vertigo is older adults and is the most common reason for dizziness in this population. BPPV usually manifests as a sudden onset of vertigo and unsteadiness and can also lead to falls and other injuries in the elderly. The picture below illustrates the function of the semicircular canals. What causes BPPV:. BPPV is caused by free floating calcium crystals in the semici...
Posted on 2018-02-17

Temporomandibular disorders (TMJ) and physical therapy

Temporomandibular disorders (TMJ) and physical therapy
Temporomandibular Disorders (TMJ) and Physical Therapy. TMJ disorders affect 5 out of every hundred people and it can be quiet debilitating. One in five people of TMJ typically tend to get help. The treatment of TMJ can have quiet an socio-economic burden on the individual and can be very expensive. The treatments range from physical therapy, chiropractic to splint therapy. Tempero-mandibular disorders (TMD) can cause a range of different symptoms ranging from headaches, ringing in the ears (...
Posted on 2018-02-17
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